Sunday, December 20, 2009

Magical Forest

We went with our friends to the Magical Forest here in Vegas a few days ago. It's a really cool place, with lots of Christmas lights, a train, giant slide, and yummy elephant ears (or funnel cakes for West Coast people). Don't do what we did and go on a Friday night! It was BUSY with LOTS of people everywhere. Except for the lines, we had a great time. The kids, Claire and Aedan, did great, even with the lines. It's always fun to hang out with friends!

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More Magical Forest Pictures

Apparently, it was only go to let me upload 4 pictures a post, so here are a few more...

Kathy, Claire and Aedan on the slide

Claire and Aedan competing in a Big-Wheel Race

Claire with the cute snowman

Daddy and Claire!
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Monday, December 14, 2009

Hot Air Balloon Experiment

Claire decided she wanted to make a hot air balloon. Well, Yaya (my mom, Ellen) was staying for the weekend at the time. When Yaya's here, projects are a major business. Claire and Yaya got to work, made sketches, and started to make a working prototype. Here is the final project. It turned out really good! You could put a blow dryer in the hole on the top piece and it would actually blow up the "balloon" part! I have a movie of it I will attach. Claire couldn't just make the hot air balloon, she also made crash helmets, safety-first, of course. Claire and Yaya modeled the helmets for me so you could see how neat they are. If you can't tell, they are lined for comfort too. In the one picture, she's holding her travel box. It has emergency supplies, snacks, water, note paper and pencil, map, along with many other essential items while flying in a hot air balloon. (It's still packed in her room, if you need it the next time you're flying in a hot air balloon.)

Claire amazes me with the things she thinks of..... Right now we are making a catalog of all the Nevada license plates we see as we drive around time, just because it should be done. (It doesn't matter the DMV has these records already, Claire thought they needed to be written out, just in case.)

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