Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow Day!!

We had snow in Las Vegas today!! It snowed from about 8:15am until 3:15pm today! The kids at school were ecstatic. We even went outside and had snow ball fights! The weather man said the last time it snowed like this was in 2003. The funny thing was about a mile in either direction it just rained all day. I guess we were really lucky we got to see the snow. Some of my students had never been in snow before!

Claire really was missing Michigan and New Hampshire as we drove home this afternoon looking at the snow covered bushes and palm trees. After we played in it at home, her hands were freezing (I haven't got the snow clothes out yet) and she thought maybe Vegas wasn't so bad after all. :-) The dog loved it. He ran and ran and together he and Claire had a grand time in the snow (for the whole 15 mintues we were out there!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You wouldn't want to move back to New Hampshire this week! We just had an ice storm that put our power out for 3 days, and we were the lucky ones! But I admit ... it was PRETTY!