Sunday, October 14, 2007

School Thoughts

Last week, Claire had spelling words to study for the first time. She and I went over her words for homework, practicing now and then in the car. There were 11 words, a few of which she continued to struggle to spell. Yet, on Friday, she got 100% on the test! When we got home that day, I asked her how she did. She casually replies, "Oh, I think I got them all right. I got a sticker on my paper." The sticker was important, in fact she could care less about getting them all right. I, on the other hand, was totally excited she did so well.

As a teacher, I assign spelling words, homework, tests, etc. all the time. I have never been on the parent side of the equation before. It's a completely different world. I feel tied to her and her accomplishments....her wins are mine too. I now understand how a parent can feel when their child comes home with a good (or bad) grade. I can also understand why some parents become unglued when those bad grades come home. I didn't think I would feel so closely joined to her school work. But, I do. Every once in awhile my eyes are opened to new and bigger things, and I think this is one of them. Just thought I would share my new insights with you. :-)

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